To the general public, runners must look like complete weirdos. We wander around the supermarkets and coffee shops in brightly colored mesh shirts, spandex, and compression socks thinking, "What is everyone looking at?" I have learned to welcome these curious looks with a big grin, which only adds to the confusion. What can I say - the runner's high is addicting.
I remember when I used to waste time deciding which outfit I should wear on a given day. My life is much more simple now. I traded jeans for Saucony running pants, sweaters for tank-tops, and heels for Mizunos and Brooks. I never know when i will get my next opportunity to run so i must be prepared at all times, even in church. Makeup runs down my face when i sweat so that is pointless, and my hair fits so perfectly in a ponytail that takes all of 5 seconds to secure. I used to waste time making sure i looked absolutely perfect every second of the day. I have finally learned to love simplicity. Runners do not judge. We know that if you still look pretty and put together at the end of your workout then you did not train hard enough.
About 2 months ago I bought my first pair of spandex. Little did I know that this specific pair would be the cause of one of my most embarrassing moments. I decided to try out my brand spanking new spandex on the army base. About 30 seconds into my run the shorts began riding up and to put it plainly - it looked as though my bum was eating my spandex. I immediately ran back to my car and headed for the gym on post. My thought was if I ran on the treadmill then I would be able to do a better job of keeping the shorts down. WRONG. 30 seconds into my treadmill run the same problem occurred. Except this time, I decided to embrace it. The top of the shorts were up to my belly button and the bottoms were God knows where and I kept trucking for 5 miles. There was an angry swarm of army wives behind me and all I could do was flash my grin and attempt to pull my shorts down to decency. I later found out that these particular spandex are to be used as a base layer. Oops. Hope everyone enjoyed the show.
Hungry butts are no good - and spandex is their favorite.